Turf Culture

Impala 250mL


Impala 250mL

Impala is registered for 10 major turf diseases. Impala attacks and controls turf diseases at multiple stages of their development thanks to the dual active, dual mode of action capabilities of Impala. Regardless of the disease stage (early, developing, or full-blown infestations) Impala stops turf diseases in their tracks. 250mL of Impala can treat up to 416sqm.

Key Features

  • New active constituent triticonazole, which brings higher efficacy from the DMI-triazole family.
  • Broad Spectrum Systemic Control of over 10 major turf diseases.
  • Allows for excellent flexibility for diseases attacking leaves, crowns and roots.
  • Is highly rainfast and quickly absorbed by leaves, crown and roots of treated turf.
  • Fungal activity ceases quickly when applied as a curative application.
  • Consistent protection of new growth for up to 28 days after application.
  • Leaf and Crown diseases – when applied both active constituents will deposit on leaves and accumulate in crowns, thus ensuring optimal positioning for systemic redistribution, even to new growth.
  • Root diseases – when applied both active constituents will give crown accumulation and root zone uptake. This will also ensure systemic redistribution through the entire plant.
  • Azoxystrobin is the only strobilurin (Qols) in the turf market that can protect new growth through systemic movement (xylem systemic) for up to 28 days after the initial application. Excellent longevity on the leaf surface for prevention of spore germination and infection.
  • Triticonazole gives significant root uptake when washed in after application. It will protect new growth through systemic movement (xylem systemic) when absorbed in crowns and through roots and can be redistributed through dispersion to all tissues.
  • The only dual systemic turf fungicide that contains the highly regarded active constituent triticonazole.

*Please note all prices now include GST

  • Application

    Application Rate: 60mL/100sqm

    Refer to product label for after application procedure.

    250mL Impala can cover up to 416sqm.

    Impala is best applied with a backpack or handheld sprayer to ensure even application. Sprayer calibration is recommended.

  • Active Ingredients
  • Product Information
  • Shipping & Returns

    LawnPride has a distribution centre in QLD only. All orders, Australia-wide, will be shipped from this location.

    Shipping will be automatically calculated at checkout. Shipping rates will be determined by total order weight and delivery location.

    Please also note - Some products are not kept in our SA and WA warehouses. If you are in SA or WA and add these products to your cart, the 'pick up' option will not be available. This list is ever changing and will be best to contact us at info@lawnpride.com.au to enquire if you are having checkout issues.

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