
Common Name


Seasons of Activity

The disease is able to develop at temperatures between 3°C and 30°C, with favourable temps being between 15°C and 18°C.

Areas of Plant Infected


Cultural Methods of Control

Balanced NPK, remove compaction , increase drainage, avoid over watering limit leaf wetness.

Scientific Name


Key Distinguishing Feature

Depending upon the specific pathogen, grass species, weather conditions, and cultural conditions involved. In general, white helmo produces small bleached (white) spots or patches of dead of dying grass which do not measure more than about 10cm in diameter. Black helmo is the same as the latter with the exception of producing black spots or patches and “melting out”. Leaf tissues turn yellow around these lesions and in severe cases the infected plant dies.

Bipolaris spp can severely reduce the aesthetic appeal of the turfgrass or in severe cases can lead to the need for turf replacement to occur. The disease cycle is generally short requiring extended periods of leaf wetness to develop and survive.

Key Products for Control:

Tombstone Duo - 20mL/100sqm in 4-16L of water

Impala - 60mL/100sqm in 5L of water (sprayer only) or 6mL/10sqm in 9L of water (watering can)

Tribeca - 60mL/100sqm in 5L of water

Voltar 500SC- 45mL/100sqm in 10L of water

Voltar 250SC - 90mL/100sqm in 10L of water