
Common Name


Seasons of Activity

Curvularia spp. occurs at temperatures, 25°C to 35°C

Areas of Plant Infected

Foliage and Roots.

Cultural Methods of Control

Decrease plant stresses and increase height of cut.

Scientific Name

Curvularia microspora

Key Distinguishing Feature

Individual leaves initially show yellow and green dapple patterns that extend downwards from the leaf tip. Infected leaves turn brown, then grey as they shrivel and die. Irregular shaped patches of thinned turf appear, often coalescing to affect larger areas. Stolons and leaf sheaths may also rot.

Curvularia blight causes thinning out and decline of the grass; irregular patches and streaks may also occur. Leaves yellow and then become brown from the leaf tip down. Leaf spots can occur with symptoms most severe on older, senescing leaves.

Key Products for Control:

Tombstone Duo - 20mL/100sqm in 4-16L of water